6 questions you should definitely ask your HR department…

Feb 07, 2024


If you want top executives in your company, you usually have to develop or recruit them yourself. Suitable candidates for the upper management levels in particular are rarely actively on the lookout themselves. Your HR department plays a central role in this process - it is the bottleneck when filling vacancies, through which most career paths sooner or later lead.

Have you ever spoken to your colleagues about your leadership talent? Do they know the "diamonds" in the company? Are they already "polished" or still in the rough?

6 questions you should definitely ask your HR department:  

- Can we meet our future staffing needs ourselves?

- Is there consistent succession planning for all key positions?

- Is there a dedicated and absolutely professional recruiting process for executives? (clear responsibilities, professional support, assessment centre, onboarding coaching, etc.)?

- What makes a good recruitment consultancy? Do we have an excellent recruitment consultancy as a partner that suits our company?

- How do we deal with unexpected and short-term bottlenecks?

- What value proposition do we use to attract talent?

a sign that is on the side of a hill

Have you received the answers from your HR managers? Contact us and we will advise you on how to deal with them.