Do you appoint your top management yourself?

Feb 08, 2024

Do you appoint your top management yourself? These 5 questions will help you!

We sometimes hear our clients say:  "We fill our management positions ourselves."  

This is absolutely legit. You don't need a recruitment consulting firm to fill every top management position in your company. 

Nevertheless, the external search for suitable candidates often fails, especially for top management positions, because there are no separate, target group-specific processes for top management positions. Specialists, experts and executives are 'lumped together' by means of undifferentiated external recruiting measures. 

In this case, there is a lack of awareness for an inspiring and attractive application process. This applies in particular to top executives, who are usually not actively looking for a job. In the worst case scenario, positions are therefore not filled with the best possible people.

You can therefore ask yourself the following 5 questions for a good analysis: 

- Are my management positions filled with the right people? 

- Am I satisfied with the performance of my HR department? 

- Are we able to fill all vacancies with the best possible managers? 

- Why should I use external service providers for recruiting? 

- Is my HR department able to select and manage the right service provider?