Pitfalls when hiring a Temporary Manager.

Jan 14, 2024

When a company needs to fill a temporary management position, it's crucial to find the right candidate who can step into the role seamlessly. However, there are several pitfalls to be aware of when hiring a temporary manager. Understanding these pitfalls can help businesses make more informed decisions and avoid potential challenges.

1. Lack of Clear Expectations

One common pitfall when hiring a temporary manager is the failure to communicate clear expectations. Without a clear understanding of the role, responsibilities, and goals, the temporary manager may struggle to perform effectively. It's essential for the hiring company to outline specific expectations and provide the necessary resources for the temporary manager to succeed.

2. Inadequate Onboarding Process

Another challenge is the lack of a proper onboarding process for temporary managers. Without sufficient training and orientation, the temporary manager may feel disconnected from the organization and its culture. A thorough onboarding process can help the temporary manager integrate smoothly and understand the company's operations and expectations.

temporary manager onboarding

3. Limited Knowledge Transfer

When a temporary manager is brought in to fill a critical role, there may be limited knowledge transfer from the outgoing manager. This can lead to gaps in understanding key processes, relationships, and strategic initiatives. Companies should prioritize knowledge transfer to ensure the temporary manager has the necessary insights to make informed decisions.

4. Cultural Misalignment

Cultural fit is important for any manager, temporary or permanent. If the temporary manager's values and work style do not align with the company's culture, it can lead to friction and inefficiencies. Businesses should assess cultural fit during the hiring process to minimize the risk of cultural misalignment.

cultural fit workplace

5. Insufficient Support and Resources

Temporary managers may face challenges if they do not receive adequate support and resources from the organization. This can include access to necessary information, tools, and personnel. Companies should ensure that temporary managers have the support they need to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

6. Lack of Continuity Planning

Without a clear continuity plan in place, the transition between the outgoing and temporary manager can be disruptive. Companies should have a plan for knowledge transfer, goal alignment, and ongoing communication to maintain continuity and minimize disruptions during the temporary manager's tenure.

continuity planning

7. Limited Time for Relationship Building

Building trust and relationships with team members and stakeholders takes time. Temporary managers may face challenges in this area, especially if the assignment is short-term. Companies should be mindful of the limited time available for relationship building and provide support to facilitate effective collaboration.

8. Unclear Decision-Making Authority

Clarity in decision-making authority is essential for temporary managers to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Ambiguity in this area can lead to confusion and delays in critical decisions. Companies should clearly define the temporary manager's authority and decision-making scope to avoid potential bottlenecks.

decision making authority

By being aware of these pitfalls, businesses can take proactive steps to mitigate risks and set their temporary managers up for success. With clear expectations, proper onboarding, and ongoing support, temporary managers can make valuable contributions during their tenure.
